The second editions of the ESER will take place on Feb 6-7, 2020. Participation is limited to 220 veterinarians. Sign up now and get access to advance registration.
The First European Practitioners Symposium on Equine Reproductions (ESER-2018) was organized on Feb 8-9, 2018 at the Veterinary Faculty at the University of Gent, Belgium and consisted of two days of lectures and panel-discussions. Thirteen top-experts in different areas of equine reproduction shared their knowledge and experience with the 220 participating veterinarians representing all European countries, Australia, Brazil, Kuwait, USA and Tunisia. Speakers included Patrick McCue, James Crabtree, Marco Alvarenga, Jesper Moller Nielsen, Dominik Burger, Harald Sieme, Anthony Claes, Tom Stout, Jean-François Bruyas, Carolina Herrera, Marco Livini, Richard Newton and Marc Meyer who all generously donated their time and effort to make this first European ISER fundraiser a tremendous success.
Based on the very positive responses of the participants and the enthusiasm of the speakers and local organizing team, we are happy to announce that the ESER-2020 will take place on Feb 6-7, 2020 at the Veterinary Campus of the UGent. The venue and format will be similar to the ESER-2018. In addition to the traditional topics in equine reproduction, about half of the lectures will focus on late pregnancy, parturition, and postpartum complications in the mare and care of the neonate and foal up to weaning age. As previously, proceeds will be donated to the ISER.
Participation will be limited to 220 veterinarians and preregistration has been opened. Veterinarians on the preregistration list will receive personalized updates and will have access to advanced registration ahead of opening of congress registration. Pre-registration can be done online at or at the ESER website